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By Lorea Lastiri

10 Essential Supplements for Intermittent Fasting: What to Take and When

Intermittent fasting is a popular eating pattern that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. Some common approaches include alternate-day fasting, 5:2 fasting (eating a normal diet five days per week and fasting two days a week), and daily time-restricted fasting (eating normally but only within an eight-hour window each day).

Engaging in intermittent fasting (IF) can benefit you in many ways, including promoting weight loss, improving metabolism, enhancing mental clarity, and lowering the risk factors for certain chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. 

However, despite the many benefits it offers, intermittent fasting can also cause nutrient deficiencies if not managed properly. This is where supplements come in. 

Nevertheless, understanding which supplements to take and when can help you maximize the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) while maintaining optimal health.

In this article, we list 11 essential supplements for intermittent fasting, highlighting the best times to take them.

1. Probiotics

A board with various probiotic foods, including yogurt, kimchi, and other ferments.

While engaging in a fast, specifically intermittent fasting, offers many benefits, including helping you to lose weight, you mustn't deprive your body of essential nutrients, and this is where probiotics can be a big help. Probiotics are good bacteria and yeasts that have beneficial effects on your body. 

A tablet can have more than one billion 'helpful' bacteria in the gut. This results in a positive balance between good and bad bacteria, which benefits your health in several ways, including improved immune system function, improved food absorption, and assistance with some digestive issues during intermittent fasting (IF).

This makes probiotics an excellent supplement for those fasting, as keeping these bacteria healthy will pay dividends. It also makes sense to start taking them before beginning the fast to create the best possible environment in your digestive tract. 

What's interesting is that these bacteria actually react positively to certain fasting conditions. 

A recent review from the University of California has observed that intermittent fasting during evening hours (what's referred to as an 8:16 fast) can "influence metabolic regulation via effects on the gut microbiome."

This makes probiotics almost a perfect supplement for evening fasts. Remember to take them with food or after drinking a glass of water. 

Either of these ensures that the highest amount of bacteria survive the harsh, acidic conditions of the stomach. You could also twin this supplementation with a prebiotic, like a nutrient that encourages and supports the bacteria in the stomach, much like fertilizer supports plant growth.

Read also: What are probiotics? Here's what you need to know.

2. Electrolytes

A woman drinking water and enjoying the music, staying hydrated.

Electrolytes are minerals in your blood, including other body fluids, that have an electrical charge when dissolved in water. They are essential for your neurological system muscles and sustaining a healthy body environment.

Most people satisfy their electrolyte requirements with a well-balanced diet. Still, imbalances can occur if you are dehydrated due to illness, extreme heat, or when you engage in a fasting exercise.

During such times when you may become deficient due to fasting, you may become fatigued, confused, or have a headache. 

Additionally, because fasting often involves drinking large amounts of water to maintain hydration, you may need to recover lost or diluted electrolytes.

Recovering your electrolytes will boost hydration energy levels and make fasting more effortless and efficient. Examples of some of the most important electrolytes are calcium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus.

Electrolytes do not contain calories, which means they don't stimulate pro-growth pathways like mTOR, which is activated by carbs or insulin, and branched-chain amino acids, so they should be safe to consume during a fast—assuming they're in the pure form.

Whether you consume an unsweetened pure electrolyte beverage or purchase powdered minerals, find a way to get them during your fast.

3. Magnesium

WhyNotNatural: Magnesium Glycinate Capsules.

Magnesium is one of the most utilized minerals in the body and can quickly run low during a fast if you're not careful. Magnesium is used in your nervous system, brain, muscles, heart, and, of course, during cell energy creation. 

Its myriad uses, combined with how relatively common magnesium deficiencies are even amongst the general population who may not be fasting, means that it's essential to be aware of your magnesium intake or level. 

Deficiencies potentially lead to muscle cramps, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, tingling and twitching of muscles, minor heart palpitations, and difficulty concentrating, commonly known as "brain fog." 

So, while fasting, it's reasonable to keep magnesium levels high in your body with supplementation.

Whether it's a shorter TRF (time-restricted feeding) window like a 16:8 or a multi-day fast, your magnesium intake should consist of at least one or two slow-release forms to optimize a steady uptake throughout the day.

While consuming foods like dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, milk, yogurt, and fortified cereals can help with your body’s magnesium needs, one of the easiest ways of getting your daily uptake without breaking your fast is by taking the Why Not Natural Pure magnesium glycinate supplement.

It is perfect for anyone looking for supplements to help them relax, sleep better, and wake up feeling energized during fasting.

4. Iron

WhyNotNatural: Vegan Liquid Iron Supplement, Organic Blackberry Flavor.

Iron is a rare supplement in a lot of people's supplement stacks because most people obtain sufficient amounts through diet. Still, if you're someone who struggles with low iron stores or is a menstruating female, you're in the clear to take the supplement during a fast.

Because iron is best absorbed on an empty stomach or in combination with vitamin C, it is a good idea to include citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit in your meal.

You can take iron supplements during periods of fasting or before meals. However, some people can experience minor digestive upset, cramps, or constipation, and if you find this to be the case, consume your iron supplement with your first meal of the day during your feeding window.

If you are fasting and want to keep your iron levels in check, especially if you are prone to being deficient, our liquid iron supplement can help ensure you don't become anemic during this exercise

5. Collagen peptides 

Collagen is an excellent choice during fasting as it keeps you full. Besides the countless health and beauty benefits, it gives you the much-needed energy for this period.

Collagen peptides also contain essential amino acids that promote muscle building, help burn body fat, and keep blood sugar levels healthy.

If you often consume protein powder during your eating window, consider changing it for collagen during your fast. 

While you might want to avoid including collagen in a strict fast, you can incorporate it in a bone broth fast. In addition, since collagen peptides are a tasteless powder, they can easily be added to water, tea, or black coffee.

You may also like: What is Collagen Good For?

6. Folic acid

Image of folic acid sources such as avocado, meat, eggs, and broccoli.

Folic acid is usually associated with pregnancy since it supports healthy DNA replication and neural development of fetuses. While it plays a critical role during pregnancy, a deficiency in this nutrient can result in megaloblastic anemia and deranged blood sugar levels, which can hinder weight loss.

According to a 2021 systematic study, folic acid supplementation greatly improves different markers of the glycemic index in adults. Therefore, it is a good micronutrient for intermittent fasting.

While you can take folic acid with or without food, folate is derived from a water-soluble vitamin (B), so it's better to have it with water during your fasting window.

The recommended daily dose is 1mg of folic acid, and anything above that amount might lead to negative effects like diarrhea, nausea, skin reactions, bloating, or stomach pain.  

You may also like: Can You Take Vitamin B12 and Folate Together? (11 Benefits Explained).

7. Omega-3 fatty acids 

Omega-3s (found naturally in foods like salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, and edamame) are associated with various health benefits, especially heart health.  No matter which diet you try, omega-3 will help ensure you're not lacking in this essential fatty acid. The good news for intermittent fasters is that whether you are fasting for health or weight loss, omega-3 is safe to take, even on an empty stomach.

One advantage of fasting is that your body enters ketosis, where you burn fat instead of stored carbohydrates. Being a pure oil, omega-3 won't take you out of ketosis.

Related reading: Which Type of Omega-3 Supplement Should You Take? (Must Read!).

8. Curcumin

Fasting induces autophagy, which is a process of cellular cleaning and repair. Induction of autophagy has many benefits, including being a therapeutic option for cancer

Curcumin is also known to induce autophagy, enhancing the fasting effect and providing a double impact on autophagy.

Curcumin supplements may also support your aim if you are fasting for weight loss. A 2019 study assessing the impact of curcumin on weight loss in patients with metabolic syndrome and related disorders showed that curcumin intake significantly reduced body mass index and weight among the patients with no effect on the hip ratio.

9. Creatine

Creatine is an amino acid generated in the human body and can also be obtained from consuming foods like red meat. Creatine supplements do not break a fast because they do not contain calories and, therefore, do not affect your insulin levels.

Creatine supports energy production in the body. Research suggests that it supplies energy to your muscles and improves strength and performance, which is why it is a staple for many athletes. It is advised to take 3–5 grams of creatine supplements.

10. Water-soluble vitamins (B-complex + vitamin C)

Most pure nutrients, including B vitamins and vitamin C, will not compromise ketosis or break a fast. Hence, you can take them during your intermittent fasting.

The B vitamins are eight water-soluble vitamins, meaning they are not stored in your body but are removed during the day if you drink liquids. They are essential for energy production, brain health, metabolism, hematopoiesis (the development of blood cells), cognition, neuron function, hormone balance, and many other processes.

They also serve an essential role in cellular activity, acting as coenzymes in various catabolic and anabolic enzymatic activities.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, is a vitamin that is required for adequate immune function and contributes to the cellular function of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. It also works as a potent antioxidant, with vitamin E, to protect cells from oxidative damage.

You can consume these on an empty stomach. If you fast for a short period, you are unlikely to deplete enough of these nutrients to harm your health. You should only consider supplementing if fasting for over a week.

You may also like: Choosing the Right Vitamin B Complex: Your Essential Guide.

How can I maximize the benefits of intermittent fasting?

It can be difficult to stick to an intermittent fasting program. However, the following tips can help you remain on track and maximize the benefits of engaging in intermittent fasting (IF):

  • Throughout the day, drink lots of water and calorie-free drinks, such as herbal teas. This can help ensure you get enough electrolytes.
  • Plan plenty of activities to keep you distracted on fasting days so that you can avoid thinking about food, such as seeing a movie or catching up on paperwork.
  • Avoid stressful activities on fasting days, although light exercise such as yoga may be beneficial.
  • If the plan allows some calories during fasting periods, select nutrient-dense foods rich in protein, fiber, and healthful fats. 
  • Select filling yet low-calorie foods, such as raw vegetables, popcorn, and fruits with high water content, such as grapes, cucumbers, and watermelon.
  • Use low-calorie seasonings like garlic, herbs, spices, or vinegar to improve meal taste generously. These foods are deficient in calories yet are full of flavor, which may help to lessen feelings of hunger.
  • Eat nutrient-dense foods after the fasting period.


Here are answers to some commonly asked questions concerning supplements for intermittent fasting: 

Are supplements necessary for intermittent fasting?

While not strictly necessary, supplements can be helpful for people following an intermittent fasting regimen. Certain supplements and the timing of taking them may positively or negatively impact fasting and the intended metabolic and health results. Hence, ensure you take the correct supplement for your restricted eating program.

What are the challenges of intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting isn't for everyone. If you're not already used to skipping meals for an extended period, common challenges, like hunger and fatigue, can be difficult to handle. Other side effects from intermittent fasting can include lack of concentration, insomnia, irritability, headaches, and nausea. 

Proper hydration, electrolyte balance, and adequate nutrient intake can help mitigate these challenges.

Can I take supplements while fasting?

Yes, you can. Some supplements, like magnesium, can be taken on an empty stomach and won't break your fast. While others, like probiotics and curcumin, may not break your fast, they should be taken with food or incorporated into your feeding window because they are better absorbed with food. 

Will supplements interrupt your fast?

Whether or not a supplement will break a fast depends on the type of supplement you take and if it contains certain ingredients like sugar. Supplements like gummy multivitamins, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), protein powders, and supplements containing ingredients like maltodextrin, pectin, and cane sugar can interrupt your fast.

Can collagen be taken during a fast?

As collagen contains protein and calories, some may argue it will break a fast. Hence, whether or not collagen will break a fast is not a yes or no answer. Instead, it depends on your reason for fasting. Collagen peptides have little or no impact on ketone production, meaning that if your fasting goal is fat loss and metabolic flexibility, you can take collagen during a fast.

Do vitamins for fasting affect autophagy?

Most vitamins and minerals do not affect autophagy; however, some minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, and magnesium, have been shown to support autophagy, a cellular cleaning process that occurs during fasting. 

However, more research is needed to understand the full impact of specific supplements on autophagy.

How should you take supplements while intermittent fasting?

Adults can take supplements in various forms, such as capsules, pills, and powder. Supplements in capsule/pill form do not impact insulin levels. However, gummy and chewable forms can stimulate insulin production as they might contain caloric ingredients.

Also, while some supplements can be taken with or without eating, others should be taken within your eating window. Your healthcare professional can guide you based on the program you are on.

When is the best time to take supplements during intermittent fasting?

The timing can vary depending on the type of supplement you're taking. It's a good idea to schedule your supplement intake based on the principles of supplement intake.

  • Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K are best absorbed with food, so take them during your eating window.
  • Water-soluble vitamins can be taken with or without food and at any time of the day.
  • Minerals (magnesium, zinc, potassium) can generally be taken anytime, but consider taking them during your eating window for optimal absorption.
  • Probiotics can be taken anytime, but some people find it beneficial to take them on an empty stomach in the morning.

Takeaway: Optimize your intermittent fasting with the right supplements

Intermittent fasting provides many benefits. However, you must engage in this exercise safely and responsibly to avoid doing serious damage to yourself. 

When engaged in this restricted eating program, It can be easy to lose track of your body's needs, mainly if you're focused on losing weight and are eagerly counting the pounds.

Supplementing with the right supplements while fasting can give you the reassurance that you're still giving yourself the required nutrients, maintaining optimal health, and achieving your wellness goals.

Lastly, note that periods of not eating are not something to mess around with, so make sure you have a proper plan and don't choose an intermittent fasting protocol without talking to your healthcare provider.

Looking for the best intermittent fasting supplements to incorporate into your regimen? Check out our collection of high-quality, natural supplements guaranteed to provide your body with the best support possible.

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