· By Lorea Lastiri
Can I Take Vitamin B12 And D Together?
You can take vitamins B12 and D together. Many supplements combine these two vitamins. Vitamin D is fat-soluble while B12 is water-soluble; it doesn't matter if you take them at the same time or not.
Vitamin D helps with calcium and magnesium absorption, while vitamin B12 supports nerve cells and red blood cell formation. Combining the two nutrients can help keep your bones strong, your immune system working well, and your energy at optimum levels.
You've probably heard some conflicting information about whether or not you can take vitamin D and B12 together.
Can you take too much of one? Will the other be ineffective?
This article will discuss the benefits of vitamin D and B12, how they can be taken together, and what side effects to watch out for.
Let’s get to it.
Why take Vitamin D?
Your body needs vitamin D to function.
Vitamin D helps with calcium and magnesium absorption from our food to form strong bones and teeth. It also plays a role in muscle strength, immunity, hormone regulation, cancer protection, and cardiovascular health.
Sun exposure is the best way to get enough vitamin D because UV rays are essential for its formation in our skin. You can also consider some tanning sessions at the beach as an excellent source of natural sunlight and, thus, Vitamin D!
If you're concerned about how much time you should spend outside, then be sure to wear sunscreen (which blocks out harmful UV rays) when spending extended periods in direct sunlight.
The best vitamin D sources in food are fatty fish like salmon or tuna (they contain high amounts), egg yolks (which have small levels), and fortified dairy products such as milk or yogurt.
If you're not getting enough sunlight daily or if you live at northern latitudes where there's less sun exposure during wintertime, the chances are good that you'll need some extra supplementation of vitamin D!
For vegans, many doctors recommend getting your vitamin D from health supplements. However, it's important that you consult with your doctor before taking any additional supplementation.
What happens if I have too much vitamin D?
Although side effects of vitamin D toxicity are rare, they can include nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
If you experience these side effects after increasing your supplement intake or getting more sunlight exposure (which is an excellent way to get natural Vitamin D), then cut back on the dosage immediately!
It's also possible for people with hyperparathyroidism (an excess amount of parathyroid hormone in their body) to have issues absorbing calcium properly, which means that taking too much supplemental vitamin D might make this worse.
However, the maximum recommended daily amount (RDA) for vitamin D intake for adults is much higher than the typical intake at 4000 IU, and many doctors advise even higher doses when the patient has a deficiency.
But because everyone's body responds differently to different doses of medication or vitamins, make sure you consult a nutritionist or doctor before starting any new regimen.
It's also important to note that there isn't enough evidence on how these amounts affect children under 18, so parents should consult their pediatrician first before giving them additional supplementation.
Why take Vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 helps the body produce red blood cells and create DNA. It's also involved in nerve cell communication, and it aids the body with energy metabolism.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to some severe problems, including impaired brain function, dementia, depression-like symptoms, or even a disease called pernicious anemia.
The best vitamin B12 sources include meat (red meat like beef and liver contains exceptionally high amounts), seafood such as clams or mussels, eggs from chickens who are fed supplemental cobalamin, and fortified cow’s milk.
Also, note that vegans and vegetarians will need to supplement their diet with vitamin B12 from fortified foods and vegan supplements.
The easiest way to meet your daily B12 intake is Why Not Natural B12 Supplement. It is a natural health supplement recommended by doctors.
What happens if I take too much vitamin B12?
It's pretty difficult for most healthy adults to overdose on Vitamin B12, but taking too many supplements over time might make you feel dizzy. Stop immediately if any symptoms present themselves.
It's also possible for people who have kidney disease to experience vitamin B12 toxicity, but this would only be with prescription injections of the vitamin, which is definitely something you should never try on your own!
If there are any other concerns about taking too much Vitamin B12, then it's probably best to consult a qualified healthcare professional and start monitoring your diet more closely. They'll likely recommend that you eat more meat, take supplements, or even get vitamin B12 shots if they feel strongly enough about it.
Keep in mind, though, that most side effects are temporary, so don't panic right away if you think someone has given you the wrong dosage!
How much Vitamin D and B12 should I take?
The general guidelines are that adults between 19-70 years old should take somewhere between 400 IU and 4000 IU of Vitamin D per day. For B12, the recommended dose is around 2.4 micrograms per day (assuming no deficiency to correct, and an ideal gut environment), but this number could go up slightly during pregnancy since growing children get more of the vitamin than adults.
Get your vitamin D through sunlight exposure or by eating seafood like salmon, which contains high amounts. Children and infants need a lot less, so talk to your doctor about how much they should take every day!
If you need a lot of vitamin B12, then vitamins and supplements are excellent.
Consult your dietitian before making any diet changes to ensure that you're doing what's right for you!
Can you take too much Vitamin B12 and D?
It's pretty rare for healthy adults to overdose on these vitamins. Keep in mind that recommendations are all dependent on age, ethnicity, latitude, season, sun exposure and even clothing. So it's advised to consume under 4000 IU per day for vitamin D, but those with a deficiency may want to consume more. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, so you can build up your levels quickly and taper off your consumption as your deficiency symptoms disappear.
When it comes to vitamin B12, the recommended dosage is 2.4 micrograms.
However, a higher dosage of vitamin B12 is not only safe but could be beneficial. That’s because your body absorbs vitamin B12 only as much as it needs, and the rest is flushed out through urine. On top of that, when supplementing with B12 most people absorb a small percentage of what they've consumed. Nevertheless, keep the levels based on what the doctor has prescribed.
Can I take Vitamin B12 and D on an empty stomach?
Taking vitamin D on an empty stomach is not recommended if you take it in pill format. Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, you should take it with fat-containing meals and snacks for optimal absorption. But vitamin B12 can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach for best absorption.
What is the best time to take Vitamin D and B12?
Any time of the day is an excellent time to take vitamin D and B12. The best time depends on your preference, but many people experience positive results from taking B12 first thing in the morning with an empty stomach, and vitamin D with a meal.
Taking vitamin D and B12 together can prove to be beneficial for your health. You can take vitamin D alongside meals rich in fat content. And it is best to take vitamin B12 with water or juice.
The best natural sources of vitamin B12 are dairy and meat products. But if you are vegan, you can reach your recommended intake with the Why Not Natural Vitamin B12 supplement. They also have an excellent vitamin D supplement.
DISCLAIMER: if you're concerned about your B12 levels, please speak with your healthcare provider. Why Not Natural bases our findings on peer-reviewed research, but our articles are not intended as medical advice and shouldn't be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice.