· By Lorea Lastiri
Using Vitamins for Weight Loss: The Ultimate Guide
Micronutrients like vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in regulating various metabolic processes in our body. From helping you obtain energy from your food to keeping your bones and eyes healthy, vitamins and minerals can do a lot for you. But can they also help you manage your weight and promote weight loss?
Vitamins, especially vitamins B and D, can help boost your metabolism and support weight loss. Studies suggest that a deficiency in one or more vitamins can disrupt metabolic activities resulting in weight gain. Vitamin supplements can help prevent deficiencies, regulate metabolism, and manage weight.
Vitamin deficiency is more widespread than you might think, and our modern diets are not helping. Dietary supplements remain one of the best ways to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiency and promote a healthy body mass index.
In this article, let's look at vitamins and minerals' role in your weight loss journey. We will discuss, at length, how vitamin and mineral dietary supplements can help you lose weight and fat mass.
Are vitamins and supplements efficient for weight loss?
Weight loss can be difficult for many people, and unfortunately, no magic pill will help you lose weight without other lifestyle changes. Specific vitamins and minerals can give your weight loss efforts the extra mileage to achieve the desired results.
Many people find it challenging to lose weight even after reducing their calorie intake and increasing their physical activity. While a reduced caloric intake can help your weight loss, it can create problems of its own.
When you severely cut down on your calories, you can’t maintain a healthy diet, and your risk of developing nutrient deficiency increases significantly. You need a balanced healthy diet containing adequate vitamin levels for healthy weight loss.
How do vitamins help in weight loss?
Vitamins and dietary supplements can help fulfill your calorie-deficit diet's deficiencies. Low vitamin D levels and inadequate calcium, magnesium, and other minerals can significantly slow your metabolism, leading to difficulty losing weight.
Dietary supplements of vitamin D, B-complex, and minerals like magnesium, zinc, and calcium can help regulate the metabolism and shift your metabolism to the fat-burning mode.
Scientific research suggests a strong correlation between obesity and vitamin D deficiency. According to a systemic review published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2014, vitamin D supplementation with reduced calorie intake helped post-menopausal women lose significantly more weight than the control group not receiving the vitamin D supplement.
Another vitamin that can have a role in weight management is vitamin B12. Scientific clinical trials suggest that the vitamin can be crucial in regulating fat metabolism.
In one of the more interesting studies, scientists from China and The Netherlands found that rats on a high-fat diet accumulated less fat when supplemented with B vitamins. The study also found that the rats getting B vitamins had higher metabolic rates and increased levels of enzymes that influence weight loss.
The role of minerals and other dietary supplements
Supplementing minerals like magnesium has also shown promise in weight loss. According to a 2013 research paper, magnesium supplements can help weight loss by controlling insulin and blood glucose levels.
Several clinical trials suggest that other supplements like green tea can also be helpful in your weight loss journey. According to a peer-reviewed research paper recently published in the International Journal of Obesity, green tea supplements containing catechins and caffeine can positively impact weight loss and management and promote a lean body mass.
Overall, ample scientific evidence supports the benefit of vitamin and mineral supplements in aiding weight loss and weight management.
However, not all nutritional supplements are created equal. The best vitamin and mineral supplements are formulated in a bioavailable form that is easy for your system to assimilate. When you consume supplements that are not natural and bioavailable, you only make very expensive urine!
Why Not Natural’s vitamin and mineral supplements are available in liquid form that is easy to absorb and assimilate. Our products only use natural ingredients, making them one of the market's best vitamin and mineral supplements.

What are weight loss supplements, and how do they help?
There is no shortage of supplements for weight loss on the market, with many claiming to melt your fat away. Many supplements claim they can help improve your body's metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more calories and assisting in weight loss.
While there is potential in nutrient supplements to aid weight management and weight loss, many weight loss supplements fail to produce results.
The most significant reason for this is the poorly bioavailable form they are manufactured. Supplement manufacturers must understand that the supplements must be available to be absorbed in the correct format.
When weight loss supplements are made from natural ingredients, they can produce great results in your weight loss.
Weight loss supplements come in different forms, from tablets and capsules to liquids and powders. These supplements are extremely popular, with several celebrities promoting them on social media.
Most weight loss supplements work one of the following ways-
- Appetite suppression
- Stimulation of metabolism
Suppressing your appetite makes you eat less, restricting your calorie intake. The stimulation of metabolism helps you burn more calories. The combination of both these effects results in faster weight loss.
Unfortunately, many supplements on the market lack high-quality ingredients like green tea extract and ALA. However, the good news is that specific vitamins and minerals, when formulated in an easily digestible format, can help you achieve your goals.
Common ingredients found in weight-loss dietary supplements

The results produced by weight loss supplements are the cumulative effect of the individual ingredients present in them. Some of the most common ingredients in many weight loss supplements include the following:
- Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
- Garcinia Cambogia
- Green tea extract
- Minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and calcium
- Bitter orange
- Berberine
- Turmeric
- Garlic
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
CLA is one of the most popular supplements for weight loss. It is a natural fatty acid found in beef and dairy products. There is some scientific evidence suggesting that the consumption of CLA supplements can increase the breakdown of fats and gain in lean muscle mass.
Several studies have also suggested that CLA in dietary and supplement forms can help reduce body fat mass in mice and humans.
CLA is usually well-tolerated in humans but might cause adverse effects like nausea, diarrhea, and gas.
Green tea extract
Another popular ingredient in supplements targeting weight loss is green tea extract. It contains two active ingredients that can help you manage your weight- caffeine and polyphenol antioxidants called catechins.
Several peer-reviewed studies have found that combining catechins and caffeine in green tea might have moderate weight loss properties in a healthy diet.
It has been shown that both catechins and caffeine in green tea increase thermogenesis or heat production in your body.
Thermogenesis is the metabolic process by which your body burns the food you eat and produces heat rather than storing it in fat cells. Green tea can stimulate thermogenesis and assist in losing weight.
It is a dietary fiber found in high amounts in the roots of the Konjac plant. Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that stimulates satiety or the feeling of fullness after you consume food.
Consuming this soluble fiber can help you feel satiated with smaller portion sizes and help you control the calories you eat.
Furthermore, the soluble fiber combines with cholesterol in your food, which is excreted.
Although the supplement is well-tolerated, it can cause nausea, vomiting, and gastric issues when consumed in large quantities.
Bitter orange extract
The active ingredient in this natural extract is called synephrine, which is chemically related to ephedrine. Both these supplements for weight loss suppress your appetite and increase fat burning by stimulating your metabolism.

It is the ingredients that make chili peppers hot. Several studies have revealed the weight loss potential of this ingredient in humans. It is thought to stimulate your metabolism and help in burning more fat.
Including capsaicin in a healthy diet can also suppress your hunger and help you control your portion size. That said, the effects of dietary supplementation of capsaicin in promoting weight loss still need more scientific studies.
What types of vitamins and supplements should you take to lose weight?
Vitamins and minerals can help you in your weight loss journey. Several vitamins like vitamin D and B-complex can stimulate metabolism and help extract more energy from your food. Unfortunately, our modern diets lack these crucial molecules and can cause deficiencies.
Consuming vitamins and minerals in easily absorbable form can help overcome these deficiencies and exert health effects beyond weight management.
You should include some essential vitamins and minerals in your diet to promote healthy weight loss.
B vitamins
The B vitamins contain several biologically active vitamins, including:
- Thiamine (Vitamin B 1)
- Riboflavin (Vitamin B 2)
- Niacin (Vitamin B 3)
- Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B 5)
- Pyridoxin (Vitamin B 6)
- Biotin (Vitamin B 7)
- Folate (Vitamin B 9)
- Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B 12)
All these vitamins play a crucial role in regulating your metabolic activities. An essential function of the B vitamins is to control the metabolism of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
For example, vitamin B1 or thiamine helps your body's cells convert carbohydrates into usable energy. As you can imagine, having a deficiency of this crucial vitamin can slow down the rate at which your body burns these macronutrients, making weight loss even more difficult.
Here are a few benefits of the B vitamins that can help you lose weight:
Increases energy levels

As the B vitamins regulate your metabolic activities, they ensure you have enough energy to do work. If you constantly feel tired and lack the motivation to exercise, vitamin B supplements can help boost energy levels and lift your spirits.
Vitamin B12 deficiencies often go unnoticed and cause fatigue and lack of motivation. If you always feel sluggish and tired, an easily absorbable B12 supplement like our B Complex Liquid can significantly help. It contains all the B vitamins in a liquid formulation for better absorption and immediate effect.
Relieves stress and depression
B vitamins, like B12 and B3, regulate your brain's neurochemistry. These vitamins are crucial in producing a neurotransmitter called serotonin which helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and high blood pressure.
The B vitamins are also essential in the endogenous production of melatonin, which helps with your sleep routine.
Stress and anxiety are significant factors that affect weight loss and increase the hormone cortisol in the blood, causing inflammation. When the stress is under control, your body can efficiently burn the unhealthy body fat, helping you lose weight and gain lean muscle mass.
Helps break down carbohydrates
Vitamin B2 and B3 help to break down carbohydrates much more efficiently. Niacin, vitamin B3 is essential for adequately digesting complex dietary carbohydrates.
Similarly, vitamins B5 and B6 also play a crucial role in regulating the body's macronutrient metabolism, leading to weight loss.
Regulates cholesterol
Another benefit of B vitamin supplements is that they can help you manage your cholesterol levels. Specifically, Niacin or vitamin B3 helps boost HDL (good cholesterol) levels, checks LDL (bad cholesterol), and helps reduce elevated blood pressure.
Niacin can also help regulate blood glucose levels and break insulin resistance.
Vitamin B deficiency, especially B12 deficiency, is quite common. According to the National Institute of Health, as many as 6% of adults in the US under 60 are deficient in this crucial micronutrient, and a much higher percentage of over-60s, when it becomes more common.
Supplementing B vitamins in a readily absorbable form can help prevent the ill effects of their deficiencies and promote healthy weight loss.
If you are considering adding a vitamin B supplement to your diet, try the Why Not Natural’s B complex liquid. It contains all eight B vitamins and a blend of other natural ingredients like choline and inositol.

Vitamin D
Another essential vitamin that many people are deficient in is vitamin D. It is a crucial micronutrient with several health benefits, including improving bone strength, boosting immunity, and helping in weight loss.
Although all the vitamin D is made endogenously (inside your body) when your skin is exposed to UV rays from the sun, many people have a chronic deficiency of this vitamin. A decreased exposure to the sun is the leading cause of vitamin D deficiency among working adults.
According to clinical trials and scientific reports, 24% of adults under 60 in the United States are deficient in vitamin D.
Unfortunately, vitamin D is not found naturally in many foods, and it can be challenging to get the recommended dietary allowance of 600 IU (15 micrograms) through diet alone.
All vitamin D supplements can significantly help in this regard and can prevent and even overcome vitamin D deficiency.
Overweight people have low vitamin D levels
Studies have shown a close correlation between body mass index (BMI) and serum vitamin D levels in human clinical trials. People with high body mass index tend to have a low vitamin D level in their systems.
One of the interesting reasons supporting this finding is that the enzymes required to convert all the vitamin D into its active form are lacking in obese individuals, making it difficult for them to activate the vitamin and get benefits.
Vitamin D supplementation may aid weight loss
Several scientific studies have hinted that increasing vitamin D consumption can promote healthy weight loss and body fat loss. It can also help regulate blood pressure.
In one of the pioneering studies on the effects of vitamin D supplementation on weight loss, scientists followed the weight loss journey of 218 overweight individuals for a year. Half of the participants received a vitamin D supplement, while the other half did not. Both groups received identical diet and exercise programs.
At the end of the human clinical trials, the scientists found that subjects in the vitamin D supplement group lost an average of 7 pounds more than those in the control group.
Another long-term study on older women found that vitamin D supplementation reduces weight gain.
In short, ample evidence suggests vitamin D supplementation might help you reduce weight and also help prevent body weight gain in the first place.
How does vitamin D work?
Vitamin D aids weight loss by reducing the formation of new fat cells (adipocytes). It is also speculated that all the vitamin D supplements might also discourage body fat cells from storing fat.
Vitamin D can also help regulate sleep by controlling the level of a crucial neurotransmitter in the brain called serotonin. The neurotransmitter is also essential in inducing the feeling of satiety after meals.
An increase in the levels of serotonin can, thus, prevent you from binge eating and overeating, reducing caloric intake and helping in weight loss.
It has also been found that an increased level of serum vitamin D might increase testosterone levels, stimulating body weight loss.
The recommended dose of vitamin D supplement is between 32 to 36 IUs per pound of body weight. However, several studies have shown that doses of even 10,000 IU daily don’t have any adverse effects on the body.
As vitamin D is fat-soluble, some doctors may recommend limiting the dose to about 4000 IU- 5000 IU per day.
Why Not Natural’s Organic Vitamin D3 Liquid Drops with K2 is a great way to incorporate vitamin D into your diet. These drops are formulated with a unique formula that makes them easy to absorb, and the all-natural ingredients ensure the highest quality of the vitamin.

Magnesium is the second most common element in the human body. It plays a significant role in maintaining general health. It controls hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body, improves energy levels, and DNA and RNA maintenance.
A deficiency of this nutrient causes some adverse effects on the body. These include muscle pain and spasms, trouble relaxing and sleeping, high blood pressure, and poor digestion.
The body loses magnesium daily. Muscle contraction, hormone production, and even heartbeat consume magnesium. The magnesium stores can drain fast if we don't supplement the mineral through diet.
One of the easiest ways to fix this problem is by supplementing magnesium. The diet is often insufficient to replenish the lost mineral stores. Dietary supplementation is the easiest and most effective way to fill the lost magnesium stores in the body.
How does magnesium supplementation aid weight loss?
Several studies have indicated that magnesium can be crucial to your weight loss journey. One of the most significant benefits of adding magnesium to your diet is that the mineral can help regulate blood glucose and insulin levels and even aid in weight loss.
A 2021 study found that obese people who take magnesium supplements tend to have better control of their blood glucose levels and might have reduced insulin resistance. The study also revealed that magnesium supplementation could minimize water retention and bloating.
Magnesium is thought to assist weight loss by several mechanisms:
- Magnesium citrate, one of the most common magnesium supplements, can help you lose water from the body. It also helps to regulate your bowel movements.
- Numerous studies have shown that including magnesium supplements in your diet can reverse insulin resistance, one of the leading causes of obesity. When you have a magnesium deficiency, insulin can’t regulate your blood glucose levels, and it shoots up, leading to several problems, such as gaining weight.
- Magnesium is also an essential contributor to your circadian rhythm. It can help you sleep better by producing the right hormones at the right time. A magnesium deficiency can lead to a decrease in GABA and Melatonin, crucial hormones for sleep.
- Magnesium also helps to elevate your mood and fight anxiety and depression. As body mass is closely related to depression, including magnesium supplements in your diet can benefit weight loss.
Magnesium is a vital nutrient that can help you reduce weight and keep you healthy. It is crucial to ensure you are not deficient in this essential nutrient.
If you suspect you might lack magnesium, taking a lab test to know your serum levels is a good idea.
While magnesium supplements are safe and do not have serious side effects, talking to your healthcare provider before taking supplements is always recommended.
Forms of magnesium supplements

Magnesium supplements are available in many chemical forms, such as:
- Magnesium Orotate
- Magnesium Chloride
- Magnesium Oxide
- Magnesium Citrate
- Magnesium Gluconate
The best-absorbed forms of magnesium are chelated forms, like magnesium glycinate. Many of the other forms will have laxative effects.
You should remember that merely including magnesium supplements won’t help you lose weight. You must include regular exercise and follow a balanced diet if you want to lose weight and be healthy.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is most well-known for its role in blood clotting, but recent studies indicate it can be crucial in regulating weight. The vitamin is thought to promote fat oxidation and storage in the fat cells or adipocytes.
It is a fat-soluble vitamin and is generally found in animal products. It also has powerful antioxidant and cytoprotective effects.
Studies on vitamin K2 supplementation
Vitamin K2 is the active form of vitamin K, and several studies have focused on the weight loss ability of this active form of vitamin.
According to one of the more extensive studies conducted over three years, vitamin K2 supplements help lose body weight and reduce fat accumulation. In this study, researchers observed 214 post-menopausal women, half receiving K2 supplementation while the other half did not.
At the end of the study period, women taking the vitamin K2 supplement saw a significant reduction in their fat percentage, while the control group did not. On the contrary, the control group gained abdominal fat.
Scientists have argued that the beneficial effects of vitamin K2 supplementation come from the ability of the micronutrient to unlock important metabolic hormones in your body.
How do vitamin K2 supplements work
Vitamin K2 is a crucial regulator of a metabolic enzyme called osteocalcin. The activation of this enzyme requires sufficient levels of K2 in your body. Once vitamin K2 activates the enzyme, it can immensely affect the fat cells' ability to store fat.
According to a study, supplementing with vitamin K2 resulted in the following effects on obese research subjects:
- Reduced body mass index
- Weight loss
- Decreased abdominal and belly fat
- Prevention of fat accumulation
Besides regulating the fat oxidation enzyme osteocalcin, vitamin K2 can also benefit healthy body weight loss. The vitamin has been shown to regulate blood glucose levels, improve heart function and help you build strong bones.
It is challenging to get this supplement through diet alone. Only a few foods contain this vitamin, like fermented beans and goose liver. Consequently, most healthy adults are not getting enough of this micronutrient.
So, it is a good idea to supplement your diet with K2 dietary supplements.
The combination of vitamin K2 and D3

The combination of vitamin D3 and K2 is often called a perfect nutritional pair. Although these vitamins play different roles, they are crucial in managing your body's calcium reserves.
Recent studies have shown that when vitamin D3 and K2 are combined, they might produce a synergistic effect. It means the effects of both vitamins increase due to the combination.
Our Organic Vitamin D3 With K2 capsules with Spirulina combine vitamin D3 and K2 in a single formulation for best results. The vegan capsules contain 100 micrograms of easily absorbable and naturally sourced vitamin K2 for maximum benefit.

Caffeine is one of the most common stimulants used for several millennia. It is found in green tea, coffee, and other natural products. Besides its stimulatory effects, caffeine has also been known to have appetite-suppressing and fat-burning abilities.
No wonder caffeine is among the most common ingredients in body weight loss supplement formulations.
Studies have shown that caffeine, in specific doses, can boost healthy metabolism, increase energy expenditure and reduce the ability of fat cells to accumulate fat.
Caffeine can reduce your appetite
Several studies have found that caffeine has an appetite-suppressing effect on your body. Caffeine is thought to reduce the levels of a hormone called ghrelin, responsible for hunger.
Studies have also found that people consuming caffeine in any form tend to consume fewer calories than people who do not. However, plenty of contradicting evidence suggests that caffeine's appetite-suppressing effect is minimal at best.
Boost metabolism and promote weight loss
Another way caffeine might aid weight loss is by boosting your metabolic rate. It is one of the primary reasons for including caffeine in weight loss supplements. However, you need a hefty dose of caffeine to see the metabolism-boosting effect.
For instance, in one of the studies published in 2004 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a high dose of caffeine, 10mg per kg body weight, increased metabolic rate by 13%.
While the results are promising, to get the same dose of caffeine from coffee, you will have to drink as much as 7 cups daily, which is too much, even for a coffee addict!
Still, growing evidence shows that caffeine might help boost metabolism and weight loss.
Reduce perceived exertion
Another effect of including caffeine in body weight loss supplements comes from the fact that it can significantly reduce the level of perceived exertion and fatigue during exercise.
Consuming caffeine as a pre-workout drink can help you stay more focused and feel less tired. You do more exercise than usual, leading to faster weight loss.
Prevent body weight gain
Several studies also point out that consuming caffeine supplements might help prevent weight gain after losing it. In one study, as little as 5 mg of caffeine daily can help prevent you from regaining lost weight.
Raspberry ketone

Raspberry ketone is a fragrant compound found in ripe red raspberries. It is also found in other berries like blueberries and kiwis in small amounts. It has recently gained popularity as a weight loss supplement.
Although the name raspberry ketone is misleading, most of the supplements available are not made from natural raspberries. The ketone is so tiny in raspberries that you will need about 90 pounds of the fruit to extract a single dose.
Consequently, most of the raspberry ketone is synthetically produced.
How does raspberry ketone work?
Raspberry ketone helps you lose weight in the following two ways:
- Increased fat breakdown
- Increased production of the hormone adiponectin
Raspberry ketone is chemically related to several endogenous compounds of the human body that are known to boost metabolism. Scientists think that raspberry ketone might be working through the same pathways.
The hormone adiponectin secreted by fat cells regulates your body's metabolic rate. People with low body weight have higher levels of this hormone than overweight people. When you lose weight, the level of this hormone increases to the average level again.
Low levels of adiponectin are also shown to be implicated in diabetes and fatty liver disease.
As raspberry ketone increases this hormone, it is thought to promote weight loss and prevent type 2 diabetes in obese individuals.
What do scientific studies say?
Unfortunately, there is not a single human study on raspberry ketone and its effect on weight loss and body fat-burning capacity.
One study uses a combination of raspberry ketone and other ingredients such as garlic, capsaicin, and ginger. The study revealed that the group receiving this combination lost, on average, 7.8% more fat mass than the control group.
In conclusion, raspberry ketones might have a benefit in fat loss, but their role as a weight loss supplement is still under investigation.
Dietary fiber
Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient that keeps your digestive system working correctly. These fibers are carbohydrates that your digestive system can't digest and are excreted out along with undigested food.
Depending on the solubility of the fibers in water, they can be classified into the following categories:
- Soluble fibers
- Insoluble fibers
Insoluble fibers reduce your appetite and induce a feeling of fullness after a meal. Once you eat foods rich in insoluble fibers, they tend to absorb a lot of water and make you full quicker.
Fibers can help you protect your gut bacteria
One of the dietary fibers' best roles is keeping gut bacteria healthy. There are about 100 trillion bacteria that live symbiotically in your gut. These bacteria are essential in various aspects of your health, including weight management, insulin levels, brain function, and immunity.
The soluble fiber you eat passes unchanged through to your colon and feeds the bacteria.
The bacteria in your gut, in turn, help you manage weight by exerting an effect on chronic inflammation.
Fibers reduce appetite
You must restrict your caloric intake if you want to burn fat and lose weight. Fiber supplements can help in this regard as well. However, research suggests that only certain types of fibers can help reduce appetite.
In general, viscous fibers tend to have the highest appetite-suppressing effects. Some of the viscous fibers that might help suppress your appetite include:
- Psyllium husk
- Glucomannan
- Guar gum
- Beta-glucans
When you eat supplements containing these fibers, they form a gel-like mucilage in your stomach, filling you up sooner.
Minerals and multivitamins
Multivitamins and mineral supplements available as over-the-counter medication have long been marketed as improving overall health and fitness. Most multivitamins available in the market contain the recommended dosage of various vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, K, and B.
Besides vitamins D and B, which we have already covered, other components of multivitamins and mineral supplements might also promote weight loss, however, in general multivitamins contain the lowest-quality supplement forms and do not improve overall health.
Iron is one of the most critical minerals in the human body and is a vital component of hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is essential for healthy growth, development, and metabolic rate regulation.
Low levels of iron in your body can cause iron deficiency anemia, making it difficult to transport oxygen to muscles and other body parts, and you feel tired. Iron deficiency can also lead to weakened muscle function and brittle bones.
Supplementing iron in your diet ensures healthy cardiovascular health and might also help boost your metabolic rate and increase energy expenditure.
Calcium is directly involved in maintaining healthy teeth and bones, but did you know it also regulates blood glucose levels and metabolic rate?
A combination of vitamin D and calcium can have a synergistic effect and promote weight loss, and calcium deficiency is often a sign of low vitamin D intake.
Zinc is an essential micronutrient that is involved in several biologic processes, including:
- Metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
- Making new cells and enzymes
- Wound healing
Zinc can also boost immunity and protect you from various diseases.
Several studies have explored zinc as a weight loss supplement with promising results. When supplemented with zinc, obese individuals improved their BMR, body weight, and circulating triglyceride levels. Other minerals like chromium supplements have not been found to be effective in helping weight loss.
If you want a natural zinc supplement, try our Zinc Picolinate Liquid Drops, made with natural ingredients. The unique formulation is easy to absorb and has no gastric side effects.
Frequently asked questions
Here are the most common questions people ask when it comes to using vitamins for weight loss:
Do you need a prescription for weight loss supplements?
You don’t need prescriptions to purchase over-the-counter weight loss supplements from drugstores in the US.
Although dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the organization keeps a close eye on the quality of the products. If the products are found to be unsafe, they might be recalled by the FDA.
That said, you should always talk to your healthcare provider regarding your supplement usage.
Are weight-loss supplements safe to take?
For the most part, yes. Most weight loss supplements on the market contain ingredients considered safe for consumption by the FDA and are available as over-the-counter medication.
However, it does not mean that they are meant for everyone. Certain ingredients in a weight loss supplement might be contraindicated if you have a medical condition or interact with certain medications you are taking.
You should always consult your healthcare provider regarding dietary supplements.
What are the most effective supplements for weight loss?
Supplements with vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients can promote weight loss. Vitamin D3, B, and K are especially helpful if you want to lose weight.
However, supplements are only one part of the weight loss equation. You should include exercise, calorie restriction, and the right dietary supplements to see fast results.
Even while choosing dietary supplements, you should ensure that the supplements are organic and formulated in an easily absorbable dosage form.
Takeaway: Vitamin and mineral supplements are essential for healthy weight loss
Losing weight is not easy. Many people struggle to shed those extra pounds despite working hard in the gym and starving themselves.
The best and healthiest way to lose weight is to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to boost metabolism, increase energy expenditure and convert from fat-storing to fat-burning.
Vitamin and mineral supplements can help you achieve just that. Your body will respond to your weight loss efforts with the right vitamins and minerals supplements.
However, choosing your vitamin and mineral supplements wisely is equally important. You need high-quality, natural supplements that are easy to absorb to see the best results.
Why Not Natural is committed to providing natural, organic vitamin and mineral supplements without preservatives or fillers; please browse our extensive catalog of vitamin and mineral supplements.
Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to learn which supplements to take, how to combine them for maximum benefit, and other health tips to boost your energy and vitality. Plus, discover natural strategies to reduce hormonal imbalances, stress, and anxiety. Click here to get started!