· By Lorea Lastiri
Top 6 Vitamins and Supplements for Hair Growth
If you’re trying a new hairstyle or just trying to tie your hair in a cool bun and notice your hair is all brittle and lifeless, you’re not alone. We’ve all experienced hair fall, brittle hair, lifeless hair, or another hair-related problem at some point.
While various factors can affect your hair growth, including stress, genetics, and the environment you live in, consuming vitamins and supplements can help you improve your hair naturally. Some potent vitamins for hair growth include Biotin, Vitamin D, Iron, Zinc, and more.
In today’s fast-paced era, it’s essential to stop for a moment and take care of your health. Your stress levels may be skyrocketing, coupled with a diet low in nutrients, making it necessary to turn to vitamins and supplements.
These little powerhouses do wonders for hair, but only if you make the right choice.
That’s why we’re here to help you choose the best supplements to maintain a luscious, thick, shiny head of hair with reduced hair loss and breakage.
This post discusses everything you need to know about what causes hair loss or thinning and how these magical hair growth supplements work to give you healthy hair.
What can cause hair loss and hair thinning?
Are you going through a rough patch with your hair? If you feel like your hair is breaking a lot, you should dig deeper and uncover the underlying problem. Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day is normal. However, if you experience more hair loss, that’s when you know it’s excessive.
Hair loss and thinning can be very frustrating. Many underlying factors can contribute to the cause, including hormonal changes, medical conditions, heredity, and even aging, significantly impacting hair growth.
Thinning hair doesn’t necessarily cause baldness, but it contributes to sparser hair spots on your head. Thinning hair happens slowly, which gives you time to buckle up and take measures to minimize its impact.
What you eat, how you live, your medical conditions, everything impacts your health, including hair. It can also be due to genetics, lifestyle habits, or both. We’ll list down some factors that can affect your hair health.
Using harsh hair products
There are thousands of hair products in the market today, but not everything can suit you. Using too many of these products can dehydrate your hair, increase the sulfate content, and eventually cause them to fall out.
Wearing tight hairstyles
A sleek bun may give a clean look but tugs your hair from the follicles, causing thin spots with time. This hair thinning can increase over time if you don’t follow a nutritious diet or include vitamins and supplements in your diet.
Overtreating your hair
Experimenting with your hair is another factor that drags down your hair growth. Regular treatments like color dyes, perms, and straightening can cause your hair to fall out.
Chronic stress can take a huge toll not only on your physical health but also on your mental health. It’s related to hormones like cortisol, which can trigger conditions like telogen effluvium, where your hair starts to fall out and enters a long phase of no regrowth.
Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes in your body can also lead to hair loss. If you’ve had a baby, just stopped taking birth control, or lost weight, it can impact your hair health.
Male and female pattern baldness is also a common result of heredity, and this stops healthy hair growth.
Medical conditions
These can include scalp infections or conditions like alopecia, which causes hair to stop growing.
Hair loss cannot be controlled until you stop the cause that prevents hair regrowth. The medical term for this condition is anagen effluvium.
What are the best vitamins that help with hair growth?

Can taking a vitamin or two in a day be the magical answer to stronger, longer, and healthier hair? It almost sounds too good to be true.
There are various culprits that can be involved in the heist to stop hair regrowth. So while taking vitamins may not be the magical miracle you hope for, the right vitamins for hair growth can help make your hair look and feel great.
Nutrition is the most significant factor that orchestrates your overall health. Thus, certain supplements like vitamins B, C, and D can be game-changers for your hair.
Thus, having healthy hair does not depend on one factor. It’s a combination of different factors like the ones we discussed above. Unhealthy hair can be identified through lack of growth, weakness, dullness, and a general poor aspect.
Some key nutrients that improve your hair integrity include proteins, vitamins A, B12, C, and D, E, biotin, iron, selenium, and zinc.
Let’s look at some supplements that support hair growth and give you those glossy, luscious locks.
1. B vitamins
B vitamins like vitamin B7 (biotin) and B12 play an essential role in speeding up your metabolism and nervous system function. Thus, they help strengthen and condition your hair.
Biotin has functions like carrying oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles and the scalp and also boosts the growth of red blood cells. It also plays a pivotal role in keratin production, which is extremely important for hair growth.
Our complete B Complex dietary supplement contains all B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Biotin (B7), Folate (B9), and cobalamin (B12). When combined, these dietary supplements help improve your hair, skin glow, nails, stress, and mood.
The vitamins and biotin supplements are water soluble, and the liquidated form makes it easy to absorb them, which helps to support hair growth. The concoction also contains “honorary B vitamins” inositol and choline. These help with insulation levels, serotonin, BMI management, and fertility.
Moreover, the best part is that the complex liquid supplement contains all-natural and vegan ingredients. That means no preservatives, corn syrup, sugar, or dyes. The orange color of the serum is a combination of yellow bioflavonoids and cobalamin, making it a packed with health-promoting compounds.
Vitamin B12 deficiencies are very common, especially in adults, so regular supplements that increase B21 levels are necessary. That’s why we’ve also come up with vitamin B12 liquid drops.
It uses B12 methylcobalamin, the bioactive form of B12 easily absorbed by the body.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C isn’t only good for making your skin glow. It also improves hair growth and makes it stronger. It’s a powerful antioxidant that helps stimulate blood circulation throughout your body.
The increased blood circulation, particularly in the scalp area, allows for greater hair follicle stimulation that promotes hair growth and a healthy scalp.
It also contributes to the synthesis of collagen. This contains amino acids that help build keratin and improve hair structure by enhancing iron absorption.
Collagen can also be consumed directly, by taking a supplement like Marine Collagen + Biotin.
3. Vitamin A
A fixed portion of vitamin A can do wonders for your hair. However, if you start to consume it excessively, it can result in hair loss. Vitamin A is a group of compounds including provitamin A carotenoids, retinoic acid, retinol, and retinal.
However, the supplement should only be consumed if you have vitamin A deficiency. Otherwise, taking vitamins won’t be beneficial. You can also eat carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli, which help raise the level of a precursor to vitamin A called carotenoids, or you can consume foods like beef liver for actual vitamin A.
Taking vitamin A supplements also helps with maintaining healthy eyesight and repairing eye tissue. It also moisturizes the eyes and reduces retinitis pigmentosa retinal diseases and age-related macular degeneration.
Hair growth is promoted through the stimulating sebaceous glands, as vitamin A helps with cell growth.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a core vitamin that regulates bone and hair health and helps you maintain a healthy body. It boosts immunity, stimulates cell growth, and enables new follicles to grow.
The primary role of vitamin D is to help you absorb phosphorous and calcium from food. These minerals are important for maintaining healthy bones, keeping your immune system active, and improving hair growth.
Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to alopecia and several other health conditions. These include low bone density, heat diseases, cancer, and bone softening.
A recommended dose of 600 IU (International Units) or 14 micrograms is recommended. So, if you don’t receive enough vitamin D, it is common to experience stunted hair growth.
It’s best to get yourself checked before you choose a dosage for vitamin D. However, a potency of 5,000 IU and 100mcg of organic K2 liquid serving helps quickly build up vitamin D levels.
Moreover, with no harmful fillers and no preservatives, this formula is great for non-GMO, keto-friendly, and vegetarian diets.
Additionally, it’s also important to have sun exposure. Not basking in the sun or using too much sunblock to block sun exposure leads to a vitamin D deficiency. Spending 15-20 minutes in the sun helps absorb vitamin D.
Eating foods that naturally contain vitamin D is also a great source. Salmon, fatty fish, animal fats, etc., contain some vitamin D. When coupled with vitamin D supplements, these foods prove to be an excellent diet for long and healthy hair.
5. Iron
Iron is known for its blood circulation properties and how it helps carry oxygen. It stimulates blood flow in the scalp, which helps hair grow faster and longer. Some research also shows that iron deficiency can majorly cause hair loss.
That means if you don’t get enough iron, your body won’t be able to produce hemoglobin, which decreases oxygen delivery to your scalp and results in hair loss.
Our diet is always off in today’s fast-paced world. However, you can sort that problem out by adding iron supplements to your routine and help control the iron deficiency in your body. Just be sure to get checked for iron deficiency first, as it's possible to take too much iron.
6. Zinc
Your body only needs a small amount of zinc to function properly. However, that small amount plays a mighty role. From creating DNA to cell growth, zinc plays a crucial role in your body.
Low zinc levels also indicate core hair loss problems and poor wound healing. That’s because zinc produces keratin and collagen, which are important components for hair growth.
A good option to consume is the liquid zinc supplement. Not only does it aid with hair growth, but it also helps fight off bacteria and viruses.
It’s a super important element for boosting the immune system and also promotes skin health and metabolism. The zinc supplement also reduces inflammation, a major contributor to hair loss.
Oysters are naturally the best source, but supplements make a great alternative to promote hair growth.
Do hair growth supplements and vitamins really work?

Oral supplements enter your bloodstream directly, which means they nourish cells, including our hair follicles. However, it’s important to understand that hair growth vitamins are more of an indirect process.
Vitamins are not the ultimate solution to all your hair problems. They’re not magic seeds that’ll help your hair transform overnight or yield exceptional results. However, most vitamins help with thinning or brittle hair that comes with age or hormones.
Consuming these supplements always yields results if there isn’t an underlying medical condition that is not yet diagnosed at the root of your hair concerns.
Are hair growth vitamins safe to take?

Taking an adequate amount of vitamins is considered to be safe generally. Like any other part of your body, your hair also requires a variety of nutrients to look fresh and beautiful.
It’s always important to consider what supplements you consume and what amount is recommended so the vitamin intake won’t lead to negative health effects.
For instance, the recommended daily intake for vitamin B12 is 2.6 mcg for pregnant women and 2.4 mcg for people over 14 years. Most people can fulfill this requirement through diet. However, if you face health complications, taking supplications is necessary.
They’re safe if they’re organic and not manufactured through GMOs or other artificial ingredients.
Thus, when shopping for all-natural vitamins, you should consider your needs and how the supplement can help fulfill them.
It’s also important to get together with a healthcare professional, especially if you have a medical condition, and then choose the right supplement for you.
Takeaway: Unlock your hair growth potential with top vitamins and supplements
The right hair growth vitamins and supplements can give you healthy hair and also promote hair follicles. Deficiencies in several nutrients, including vitamin D, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, and zinc, can severely impact your hair health.
For instance, deficiencies in biotin, folate, folic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin B12 have been attributed to hair loss.
Choosing hair growth supplements that have effective, organic, and potent ingredients is crucial. They’re bound to help you make your hair better and also help easy absorption of all nutrients.
You can achieve stronger, healthier, and more vibrant hair by prioritizing these essential nutrients and making positive changes to your diet and self-care routine.
Get to know the Why Not Natural range of dietary supplements if you want to boost your health and energy levels in a natural way.
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